Sunday, 15 July 2012

Mexican firms to reduce salt in bread

Mexico's bread-making firms have agreed to cut salt by 10 per cent in bread products, in a bid to prevent heart ailments or strokes, linked to excess salt consumption, CNN reported on 12 July, citing comments by President Felipe Calderón. He was reported as saying that bread, alongside processed foods, were the sources of the excess salt consumed by up to 80 per cent of Mexicans; Mexicans are thought to consume 10 grams of salt or sodium a day or twice the recommended amount. The president said preventing a range of illnesses would help ease the financial burden on the public health system. An agreement to cut salt in bread products was signed on 13 July by Bimbo, the National Chamber of the Baking Industry (Cámara Nacional de la Industria Panificadora) and a national association of convenience and department stores (Asociación Nacional de Tiendas de Autoservicio y Departamentales).